Thursday, June 04, 2015

Thrift Style Thursday: That '70s Show

At Brittany's request, we're rocking the '70s look this week! I couldn't find any thrifted bell-bottoms to fit that returning trend, but I did have this gem hanging in my refashion closet - a brand-new-with-tags H&M dress, which I got for $6.50 at one of my favorite thrift shops. (Psst! Polka dots!)

Flower Child Dress - BeforeFlower Child Dress - Before

It's definitely on the early end of the '70s - borderline '60s even - but its thin cotton is perfect for the hot and humid weather we've been having this week (hey, it stopped raining finally, so I guess that's an improvement). The sleeves were a little overwhelming though. If only they were slightly shorter, it wouldn't be quite so crazy. Oh wait, I can fix that!

I chopped off the sleeves at their shoulder seams, then laid one on top of the other a few inches down to trace the curve of the shoulder. Then I repeated that on the second sleeve.

Flower Child Dress - In ProgressFlower Child Dress - In Progress

Then I inserted the right-side-out sleeve into the inside-out dress, adding a few little pleats at the top to absorb the extra fabric and keep the slightly poofy look the shoulders already had.

Flower Child Dress - In Progress

The other thing that bugged me was the ribbon at the back neck that holds the dress on a clothes hanger. No matter what I did, it kept popping out when I tried on the dress.

Flower Child Dress - In Progress

That was an even easier fix than the sleeves. I used my seam ripper to remove the ribbon, cut it half, and sewed the two loops back on at the inside of each shoulder seam.

Flower Child Dress - In ProgressFlower Child Dress - In Progress

Ah, that's much better. I decided to turn the belt around as well so it ties in the back.

Flower Child Dress - After

Flower Child Dress - After

Flower Child Dress - After

Flower Child Dress - After

Flower Child Dress - After

Flower Child Dress - After
Dress: $6.50 thrifted and refashioned// Hat: $10 Tuesday Morning // AE sandals: $5 Yerdle // Owl necklace: $5 thrifted // Bracelets: me-made // Fossil earrings: gift from a friend

Flower Child Dress - Before & After

Let's go see how the other Thrift Style Thursday ladies are flashing back to the '70s this week! Click their pics below to go see their blogs, or the TST logo in the center will take you to our Facebook page.

And don't forget our newest member, Alison!


  1. Morning, Carissa -----You would have played very well as a "flower child" - the era was the end of my teen years. Reducing the sleeve length was perfect. Later....... creating a sundress by removing the entire sleeve would be another great look. This orange color is so great for you and your hair ! And what is next ?

    1. Going sleeveless was my original intent when the dress was thrifted and went into the refash stash, but then this challenge came along and I felt like the sleeves should stay, at least for now. I'm not ruling out a re-refashion though!

  2. That is classic early 1970s with those puffy sleeves, but what an amazing remix, I love it! Super cute. And how annoying are those ribbons!?! I usually just unpick them too, but I never can be bothered to reattach them. ;)

    1. Thanks, Alison! I wouldn't have bothered reattaching the ribbons if the dress didn't actually have problems staying on a hanger. But alas, it does, so I did. :)

  3. Oooh I looooove this dress! It's so pretty and it's definitely got that 60's/70's retro vibe! Plus, your refashion turned out awesome - it's amazing how a small thing like shortening the sleeves totally changes the look of the dress! Awesome job!! :)

    1. Thanks, Kristi! Sometimes all it takes is just a little tweak!

  4. My sentiments exactly! You look lovely. :)

  5. I love how such small changes make such big differences :)

    1. I know! A smaller time commitment for a bigger impact is always a plus!

  6. This dress is just so happy!!!! :o)


  7. It's really amazing how different that dress looks with shorter sleeves -- it's really perfect on you.

    1. Thanks, Gail! Sometimes it really is the little things that matter.
