Monday, December 03, 2012

Half-Pony-Half-Monkey Monster

Half-Pony-Half-Monkey MonsterSunday evening, I indulged my nerd side, which perhaps implies I have a non-nerd side, doesn't it, and that's entirely inaccurate. But that's neither here nor there. A friend and I had the opportunity to attend a Jonathan Coulton concert here in Dallas. If you don't know who that is, go here. I'll wait. Awesome, no? So this little guy is an homage to Skullcrusher Mountain, the first of his songs I ever heard. I created it as a gift to the man himself, his birthday being the day before his Dallas show. I hold no illusions that I'm the first fangirl to do this, but he seemed to appreciate it. It has apparently joined the menagerie on his tour bus. And now you can make one of your very own!

Also available as a free pdf!
Download through Ravelry!

Small amounts of worsted weight yarn in beige, brown, grey, cream, and red
Sample was knit with the following:
Lion Brand Fisherman's Wool [100% wool; 465yds/425m per 8oz/225g skein]; 35yds/32m in #123 Oatmeal and 20yds/19m in #126 Nature's Brown
Lion Brand Wool-Ease Worsted [20% wool, 80% acrylic; 197yds/180m per 3oz/85g skein]; 6yds/6m in color #152 Oxford Grey and 2yds/2m in #138 Cranberry
Hobby Lobby I Love This Wool! [100% wool; 220yds/201m per 4oz/113g skein]; 16yds/15m in color #10 Ivory
Red Heart Heart & Sole [70% wool, 20% nylon; 213yds/195m per 1.76oz/50g skein]; 2yds/2m in color #3012 Black

Other Materials:
US #2/2.75mm double-pointed needles
Tapestry needle
Waste yarn
6 small black beads

Finished Measurements:
Approximately 8in/20cm tall and 8in/20cm long

Not really that important, but about 22 sts/31 rows = 4in/10cm in stockinette stitch

Click here for Abbreviations

Special Abbreviations:
kww = knit with wrap = Insert right-hand needle upward through wrap, then through stitch, and knit the two together.

Half-Pony-Half-Monkey MonsterPony Body:
With beige, using backwards loop method, CO 3 sts and slide to other end of dpn.
Round 1: kfb 3 times - 6 sts.
Distribute to dpns and join to work in the round.
Round 2: k
Round 3: kfb 6 times - 12 sts.
Round 4: k.
Round 5: [kfb, k1] 6 times - 18 sts.
Round 6: k.
Round 7: [kfb, k2] 6 times - 24 sts.
Round 8: k.
Round 9: [kfb, k3] 6 times - 30 sts.
Rounds 10-29: k.
Short-Row 30: k27, w&t.
Short-Row 31: p24, w&t.
Short-Row 32: k21, w&t.
Short-Row 33: p18, w&t.
Short-Row 34: k15, w&t.
Short-Row 35: p12, w&t.
Short-Row 36: k9, w&t.
Short-Row 37: p6, w&t.
Round 38: k6, [kww, k2] 4 times, do not turn.
Round 39: [k2, kww] 4 times, k18.
Repeat Short-Row 30-Round 39 twice more.
Knit 1 round.

Half-Pony-Half-Monkey MonsterMonkey Bodies:
Cut beige and join brown.
Round 1: p.
Round 2: [kfb, k8, kfb] 3 times - 36 sts.
Round 3: [kfb, k10, kfb] 3 times - 42 sts.
Round 4: [kfb, k12, kfb] 3 times - 48 sts.
Round 5: [kfb, k14, kfb] 3 times - 54 sts.
Round 6: [kfb, k16, kfb] 3 times - 60 sts.
Lightly stuff body. Transfer last 40 sts to waste yarn and distribute first 20 sts to dpns.
Round 7: k20 and join to work in the round.
Rounds 8-15: k.
Round 16: [k3, k2tog, ssk, k3] twice - 16 sts.
Round 17: [k2, k2tog, ssk, k2] twice - 12 sts.
Round 18: k.
Round 19: [k2, kfb twice, k2] twice - 16 sts.
Round 20: [k3, kfb twice, k3] twice - 20 sts.
Rounds 21-28: k.
Round 29: [k2, k2tog] 5 times - 15 sts.
Round 30: k.
Round 31: [k1, k2tog] 5 times - 10 sts.
Half-Pony-Half-Monkey MonsterRound 32: k2tog 5 times - 5 sts.
Cut yarn, thread through remaining loops, pull tight, and tie off. Transfer first half of live sts from waste yarn to dpns. Join to work in the round. Join new strand of brown, leaving long tail (about 12in/30cm) for sewing later.
Repeat Rounds 7-32 and tie off.
Stuff the first two monkeys. Transfer last 20 live sts from waste yarn to dpns, and join new strand of brown.
Repeat Rounds 7-32 for third monkey, pausing to stuff after Round 28 and again for tying off.
Use long tail to secure hole in center between monkeys.

Pony Leg (make 4):
Half-Pony-Half-Monkey MonsterWith grey, using backwards loop method, CO 3 sts and slide to other end of dpn.
Round 1: kfb 3 times - 6 sts.
Distribute to dpns and join to work in the round.
Round 2: kfb 6 times - 12 sts.
Round 3: p.
Rounds 4-7: k.
Cut grey and join beige.
Rounds 8-27: k.
BO, stuff firmly (to provide support), and sew to body.

Monkey Arm (make 6):
With brown, using backwards loop method, CO 4 sts, leaving long tail for sewing later, and slide to other end of dpn. Work i-cord for 12 rounds. Cut brown and join cream. Work 6 more rounds of i-cord.
Final round: k2tog twice, slip first st over second st and off needle.
Cut yarn and tie off. Sew to monkey bodies.

Monkey Ear (make 6):
With brown, using backwards loop method, CO 5 sts, leaving long tail for sewing later.
Row 1: sl1, k4.
Half-Pony-Half-Monkey MonsterRepeat this row twice more.
Row 4: sl1, k2tog twice - 3 sts.
BO. Sew to monkey heads.

Monkey Mouth (make 3):
With red, using magic cast-on method, CO 8 sts (4 on each needle).
Round 1: [kfb, k2, kfb] twice - 12 sts.
Cut red and join cream.
Round 2: k.
Round 3: [kfb, k4, kfb] twice - 16 sts.
Round 4: k.
BO, leaving long tail for sewing later. Stuff and sew to faces.

Half-Pony-Half-Monkey MonsterMonkey Tail:
With brown, using backwards loop method, CO 4 sts, leaving long tail for sewing later, and slide to other end of dpn.
Work i-cord for 16 rounds.
Cut brown and join cream.
Work 8 more rounds of i-cord.
Final round: k2tog twice, slip first st over second st and off needle.
Cut yarn and tie off. Sew to pony butt.

Half-Pony-Half-Monkey Monster With black, embroider sutures along pony-monkey transition line. Sew on beads for eyes.
Weave in ends or hide inside body.

Feel free to comment here with questions.

This pattern is intended for personal use only. Please do not try to sell it or any product made from it. Thank you.


  1. Can you knit me one? You should sell these on Etsy!

  2. "Half-Pony-Half-Monkey Monster" is a quirky, imaginative creation that blends humor with a touch of absurdity. Its unique concept explores the oddities of mythical creatures, mixing innocence with chaos. While entertaining and playful, it could benefit from more depth in character development. A fun and unconventional read overall.
